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What's happening at LW?

From youth to school-wide events, there's always something happening at LW!  Stay up-to-date by viewing the events below.

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24-Hour Prayer Vigil

Who: All are invited to come pray for LWLHS: mission, students (past and present), Churches, leaders, teachers, and more!


What: Prayer time (sign-up for as many 30 min. time slots as you wish) at Living Word Lutheran High School for 24 hours straight. It is our goal to have someone present at the Prayer Vigil for every minute of the time period. If you sign up for a 30-minute time slot (or more) please be present. We will particularly need late night/early morning hours filled by those willing and able to.


When: (24hrs.) 7p.m. Friday, 8/9 - 7p.m. Saturday, 8/10


Where: LWLHS Student Center


Environment: The Student Center will be reserved as a “Quiet Zone” for the whole Vigil time (there will be soft Christian music playing in the background, with scripture on the screen to aid in prayer time). Programs will be available with a long list of items to pray for about the upcoming school year. Chairs will be set up for people to come in, have their quiet prayer time and depart at their convenience. There will be an opening and closing prayer that will be done at the beginning and end of the Vigil.

Jr. Wolves Basketball Tryouts

The Living Word Jr Wolves Basketball Program will be hosting tryouts for the 2024-2025 season on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at Living Word Lutheran High School.  We have teams open for boys and girls entering grades 2nd-8th grade for the 2024-2025 school year. 

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Junior Winds Youth Ensemble

Registration for the Junior Winds Youth for the 2024-2025 school year has now opened!  Open to all students in the community in 6th-8th grade who are interested in band experience outside of their school band.  Students will have weekly practices on Monday evenings and be part of two performances.

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